TOKYO COWBOYがあなたのお肉をあなたのために管理・販売する日本で初めての独自のサービス。入荷したばかりの黒毛和牛を新しいうちにキープして頂き、「食感」「香り」「旨味」などお肉の成長を楽しみながら最高の状態を味わって頂けます。新しいうちは、若々しく元気に満ち溢れ、日が経つにつれて成長し、深みが出たりまろやかになったり……。まるで、果物やワインのように、和牛を楽しんで頂けるサービスです。
”Meat Concierge” will store your meat under the ideal conditions.
“Meat Keep” is an innovative and unique service that allows you to enjoy Wagyu in many ways. A customer buys a fresh cut of meat (more than 2 kg) and keeps it at our store. The customer can request any cut and amount they want and store the rest with us. Initially, the customer will enjoy the freshness of Wagyu’s flavor and then experience the changes in texture, flavor and taste as time progresses.
Meat keeper can purchase WAGYU at a discount.
You can aggregate buyers (family and friends) and share a block of meat.
Customers participating in our meat keep program will be informed of new inventory in advance.
○MEAT KEEPご購入数量による無料配送サービスがございます
Meat keeper can order any cuts and we will deliver it next day.
Free delivery service depending on initial meat keep amount.
・1~3kg: 1 free delivery
・3~6kg: 3 free deliveries
・6~10kg: 5 free deliveries
You can order any amount of your preferred cut and take some home every day or week.
With your meat already paid for, simply call the store in advance and we will prepare your preferred cut and amount.
The meat you purchase through meat keep is exclusively yours.
We can accommodate any party, event or BBQ. Give us the details and the number of participants and we can suggest an appropriate amount of meat and suitable cuts.
入荷時の重量から食べて頂ける状態になるまでには脂や筋などを取り除き、約25%ほど目減りしてしまいます。よってMEAT KEEPの販売価格は、お客様に損のないよう入荷時の重量の75%で算出させて頂いております。ただしお肉の状態によっては処理して破棄をする部分が25%を上回る場合もございます。その場合はご購入頂いた商品同等クラスのお肉をその分代替させて頂きます。
また、MEAT KEEPされたお肉に関しましては、賞味期限内(約30日)にお召し上がり切ることをお願い致します。賞味期限後の残ったお肉の返品・交換は受け付けておりません。予めご了承下さい。また、新鮮であっても当店で扱うお肉は全て加熱用です。生では食べられません。ご購入後の調理方法は全てお客様ご自身において管理頂きますようよろしくお願い致します。
Meat purchased through meat keep is priced by weight. We calculate the price by assuming the block of meat is 25% fat/gristle. If the meat has more than 25% fat/gristle we will substitute with additional meat. Even though we store your meat in ideal conditions, some meat will perish before 30 days. In this case, we will exchange the spoiled portion for fresh meat. We will keep the meat for a maximum of 30 days, after that we will not accept exchanges or refunds. Our meat is inedible raw and must be cooked. After bringing your meat home, it should be consumed within a few days. It is your responsibility to maintain the meat at your home.